And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
Matt 27:46 (KJV)
Satan would condemn us when we confess discouragement or doubt. But these feelings are only human. They are not sinful in and of themselves. Of course, they CAN LEAD to us ultimately giving up on God. But to be tempted and to experience these feelings is not sin. Behold our scripture text: Jesus himself questioned the Father during the time of His greatest trial. Beaten, weak, hanging on a cross, three-forths dead, He questioned His Father. And yet the scripture says of Him "Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth..." 1 Peter 2:22 (KJV) God showed no displeasure with his son.
We are no better than our Master. We will be tried to the furthest extent of our capacities. We will be tired, discouraged, and full of questions at times. And Satan will come to us at these times and accuse us of having given up on God. But in truth, as long as we are asking God questions and laying our weakness before Him, imploring His help, we have obviously not given up! Don't fall for the false accusations of the devil. Resist him, and he will flee!
Take your doubts, questions, hurts, and discouragements to God. Let Him answer them, and transform your doubt into greater faith.
In such times as these, I have received comfort and encouragement from the words of Fanny Crosby in "All The Way My Savior Leads Me":
All the way my Saviour leads me; what have I to ask beside?
Can I doubt His tender mercy, who thro' life has been my Guide?
Heav'ly peace, divinest comfort, here by faith in Him to dwell!
For I know, whate're befall me, Jesus doeth all things well.
For I know, whate're befall me, Jesus doeth all things well.
As you hang upon your personal cross, look ahead with full faith and assurance that God knows what He is doing, and the eternal good will far exceed the present distress.
Scripture Passages of Prayers of Intercession
10 years ago